Unmasking Coercive Control

Tuesday, October 1st

7pm EDT

Join me October 1st for my FREE “Unmasking Coercive Control” webinar.

We will explore the tactics of coercive control and how it presents in different contexts, ie. high control/high demand groups, cults, business settings, personal relationships, etc.

Learn more about how to protect yourself and your loved ones from coercive control.

Tuesday, October 1st @ 7pm EDT

You can’t prevent what you don’t understand.

Got some burning questions? Get them ready!

Questions can be submitted before the webinar using the contact page or submitted to the host chat during the webinar.

Spots are limited. Please click the button above to register. Registration will close Monday, September 30th.

If you are no longer able to attend, please let me know so I can make your spot available to someone else.