Cult and Coercive Control Specialist

About Me

I’m Bethany.

After several years working as a Registered Professional Counsellor, I went back to school and completed an MSc in the Psychology of Coercive Control. As a student and researcher, I studied the psychological processes involved in coercive and controlling behaviour across various settings within interpersonal relationships, domestic abuse, human trafficking, gangs, online radicalization, and within cultic sects and high-demand groups more broadly.

As someone who has long been fascinated by cults, undue influence, persuasion, spiritual abuse and deception, I am motivated to help people protect themselves from coercive control and heal from its damaging effects.

My research and background are in the evangelical space with a focus on spiritual abuse and coercive control in faith communities and religious institutions. My research focused on how specific ideologies are used to foster an environment where coercive control is more likely.

I evaluate, conceptualize, and track coercive control in various contexts from interpersonal relationships, cults, high-demand groups, faith communities, businesses and in criminal and legal contexts. I consult on cases involving psychological control, abuse of authority and coercive control.

As someone who believes that every person deserves to live free from coercive control and manipulation, I also focus on education and prevention. I offer a variety of workshops for professionals in mental health, the medical field, teachers, executives, leaders, and other professionals who encounter victims of coercive control or have a desire to foster a healthy work environment or spiritual community.